Current Events for Crystallography Gems in Seattle, Washington. We host Healers, Readers, and also have in-store events, sales, and promotions.

Dec 13: Belltown Art Walk “Psychedelia” featuring Sarah Bolden, Don Farrell, Debbit Card Art, Tarot, and Bone Readings

Join us at Crystal Lounge for Belltown Art Walk's featured show: PSYCHEDELIA. Showcase artists and activities include: SHOWCASE ARTISTS Textile artist Sarah Bolden of Embellish the Truth Psychedelic visionary artist,…

Continue ReadingDec 13: Belltown Art Walk “Psychedelia” featuring Sarah Bolden, Don Farrell, Debbit Card Art, Tarot, and Bone Readings
Read more about the article Discounts that Make a Difference
Equity Discounts have been created! Available in-store from Crystal Lounge by Crystallography Gems

Discounts that Make a Difference

To Honor & Celebrate Pride, Juneteenth, and YOU, we've launched a series of permanent Equity Discounts to create more Equity & Justice in the world around us. We think it's pretty Awesome, and we hope you will, too. Available Equity Discounts: - 5% OFF for People of Color, LGBTQ+ Folx, Veterans, Teachers, Seniors, & People with Disabilities - 10% OFF for Indigenous People

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Read more about the article July 12: The MicroCosmic Oracle Release Party!
The MicroCosmic Oracle Deck Release Party at Crystal Lounge promo flyer. July 12th at Crystal Lounge in Seattle.

July 12: The MicroCosmic Oracle Release Party!

Join us for the release party for Julia Y's creation: The MicroCosmic Oracle. We'll be hosting the Belltown Art Walk during the release party, and including multiple healers and readers throughout the day, as well.

Continue ReadingJuly 12: The MicroCosmic Oracle Release Party!
Read more about the article Crystal Lounge Grand Opening
Crystal Lounge by Crystallography Gems Grand Opening flyer. New crystal store in downtown Seattle featuring crystals, spiritual intuitives, workshops, singing bowls, and a bar with locally crafted drinks.

Crystal Lounge Grand Opening

May 10-12th is the Grand Opening for Crystal Lounge! Peruse the scheduled events, healers, spiritual intuitives, psychic readers, and more.

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Read more about the article Sparkle Program
Sign up to be a member of our Sparkle Program! It's FREE, and gets you early access to Sales, and special invites to Sparkle Member newsletter to share our Events & Promotions.

Sparkle Program

Sparkle Program Sign up to be a member of our Sparkle Program! It's FREE, and gets you early access to Sales, and special invites to Sparkle Member newsletter to share…

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