Find out what current events are happening at Crystal Lounge by Crystallography Gems.
Our Current Events at Crystal Lounge include:
- Featured Guest Healers and Readers at our shop
- In-Store Sales and Promotions
- Belltown Art Walk events, activities, and artists
- Fun Community Activities
- Classes & Workshops
- Special Events
- Charitable Events
Current Events Calendar at Crystal Lounge
We do our best to keep up with post our event updates below, but all events should be current on our Google Calendar above! Please be sure to subscribe to the calendar or bookmark this page if you’d like to stay tuned with what’s happening at the Crystal Lounge.
Dec 13: Belltown Art Walk “Psychedelia” featuring Sarah Bolden, Don Farrell, Debbit Card Art, Tarot, and Bone Readings
Join us at Crystal Lounge for Belltown Art Walk’s featured show: PSYCHEDELIA. Showcase artists and activities include: SHOWCASE ARTISTS ACTIVITIES: PLAN YOUR TRIP 11am – 5pmArtists not in shop yet, but you can…
Nov 29: Indigenous Market at Crystal Lounge
Come celebrate Native American Heritage Day during our Indigenous Market at the Crystal Lounge by Crystallography Gems! Meet our featured local various Indigenous Artists and their art! Learn about and engage with our…
Aug 9th Belltown Art Walk feat HENRY
Aug 9th Belltown Art Walk feat HENRY Come do Belltown Art Walk at Crystal Lounge! Learn about crystals, sit with guest healers, have a locally crafted drink, and enjoy the experience! ARTIST BIO:Ryan…
Sundays in August: Energy Healing Classes with Gigi Nathan
Sundays in August: Energy Healing Classes with Gigi Nathan Join us at 4pm on Sundays in August for Energy Healing Classes with Gigi Nathan / Adzikshm No’a. She will be teaching a Free…
Discounts that Make a Difference
To Honor & Celebrate Pride, Juneteenth, and YOU, we’ve launched a series of permanent Equity Discounts to create more Equity & Justice in the world around us. We think it’s pretty Awesome, and…
July 12: The MicroCosmic Oracle Release Party!
Join us for the release party for Julia Y’s creation: The MicroCosmic Oracle. We’ll be hosting the Belltown Art Walk during the release party, and including multiple healers and readers throughout the day…