
  • Carries very pure vibration and works on heart energy.
  • Activates intellect and higher consciousness.
  • Filled with cosmic light, connects to angelic realm.
  • Link to serenity and eternal wisdom.
  • Tool for facilitating deep change and leaving past behind.
  • Karmic cleanser.
  • Good for helping the dying on their journey through death.
  • Clarifies the aura and promotes lucid dreaming.
  • Clears allergies and chronic conditions.
  • Strong detoxifying action, and treats liver and gallbladder.
  • Aids muscular and motor function.
  • One of the 12 Synergy Stones


Michelle Ferris

Owner, curator, and buyer for Crystallography Gems. The brick and mortar shop is relatively new, and has been around since 2021 in Seattle's Georgetown neighborhood. Our presence as a business and as a rock and gem show has been longstanding, since 2013. Our shop offers crystals, minerals, gems, rocks, jewelry, and metaphysical tools. We work hard to inform our customers, giving them the education they need to be confident, intuitive, and wise collectors of crystals and minerals.