- Brings mental ability and clarity, increased perception of all kinds, & energy of the unconscious & instinct.
- Quiets worries, stills the mind.
- Dissolves outdated “programs.”
- Helpful for strength in meditation & for affirmation.
- Helpful for the spine, alignment & skeleton in general.
- Promotes truth, honesty, & good business practices & relationships.
- Used for communicating with angels and other spirit guides for guidance.
- Removes energy blocks, particularly from the physical and etheric bodies, and other crystals; dispels negativity.
- Past life healing & clairvoyance.
- Brings harmony & peace to relationships; encourages recognizing love & acting in a loving manner.
- Helps alleviate Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, epilepsy, & seizures.
- Promotes flexibility, calcium, vitamin, and mineral absorption.
- Promotes fertility, increases the libido, and is a protector of pregnancy and motherhood.