Lazulite Palm


Lazulite is a blue phosphate mineral containing magnesium, iron and aluminum phosphate. Associated with the crown chakra, zodiac sign of Virgo and vibrates to the number 7. Lazulite brings serenity to the workplace, increases peace, self-respect and intuition. It helps one settle into relationship or family life and keeps peace with teenagers. Lazulite clears the throat and helps you speak your truth.

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LAZULITE (Werfen, Salzburg, Austria)
A blue phosphate mineral containing magnesium, iron and aluminum phosphate. First discovered in 1795 it’s name is derived from the Arabic azul, sky and the Greek lithos, stone. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system with steep bipyramidal or wedge shaped crystals. It is also found in massive form.
– Associate with the crown chakra, zodiac sign of Virgo & vibrates to the number 7.
– Carry for legal disputes, pay rise, or work condition discussions.
– Brings serenity to the workplace, esp if being constantly undermined by a boss or a coworker of less ability who takes credit for your work.
– Controls insight, helps one find answers to life’s questions.
– Increases peace, self-respect, and intuition.
– A crystal of purity, for those who were robbed of their innocence at a young age, to believe again in the innate goodness of most people.
– Helps one settle into relationship or family life, & keeps peace with teenagers.
– Clears throat & speaks your truth.
– Self discipline in mental pursuits.
– Helpful for those who have a heavy workload or long hours to fight fatigue and distraction. Encourages peak brain performance and focus.
– Boosts immune & endocrine system.
– Excellent for headaches & migraines.
– Helpful for lymph, thyroid, liver, pineal gland, and relieves Tourette’s, Autism, ADHD.

Additional information

Weight 106.88 g

Palm Stone






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