Raw Agni Manitite Tektite crystal
Raw Agni Manitite Tektite crystal


(Java, Indonesia)

From the Sanskrit “Agni Mani” which translates to “Pearl of Divine Fire”. This pseudo-tektite is very rare, as most of it landed in the ocean & is difficult to find. It was not the result of a meteorite, but most likely a volcano eruption, that was violent enough to launch these pieces into space. It’s color is black on first inspection, but when held up to light it shows translucent gray/brown and sometimes show striping patterns. It is also known as Cintamani Stone, which is a wish fulfilling stone in both Hindu and Buddhist religions. Sometimes compared to the Philosopher’s Stone in Western alchemy.

Associated with the root & solar plexus chakras, zodiac signs of Aries & Gemini & vibrates to number 5.

– Raises one’s creative & adventurous energy levels.
– Aids in manifestation of desires.
– Helps build confidence in natural abilities & talents.
– Skyrockets leadership abilities to new heights, helping one get to the next level in career & life.
– These new leadership abilities are especially helpful with community projects & outreach efforts.
– Aids in healing of the stomach and intestines, regulating internal bacteria levels, and promotes regularity.