Ancestralite tumbled crystals
Ancestralite tumbled crystals


Ancestralite is a trade name for a psuedomorph mineral that contains martite, which occurs when magnetite has changed into hematite. Sedimentary rock consisting of alternating layers of iron oxides and red jasper. A typical banded iron formation consists of repeated, thin layers of silver to black iron oxides, either magnetite or hematite, and alternating with bands of iron-poor, red jasper. A single banded iron formation can be up to several hundred meters in thickness and extend laterally for several hundred kilometers.First found in Michigan in 1844, these formations can be found on most continents around the world.

– Associated with the root chakra, zodiac signs of Gemini & Libra & vibrates to the number 1.

– Clears out old, stagnant energy to make way for the new.
– Grounding and supportive, it gives guidance on how to move past and through difficulties and problems.
– Balances emotions, bringing peace and harmony.
– Good for concentration, awareness, focus and productivity.
– Helps the symptoms of ADD & ADHD
– Alleviates back pain and may aid in cognition and recognition in people with brain damage and dementia.