Rose Barite - Raw Crystal
Rose Barite – Raw Crystal


Barite often occurs as concretions and void-filling crystals in sediments and sedimentary rocks. It is especially common as concretions and vein fillings in limestone and dolostone. Where these carbonate rock units have been heavily weathered, large accumulations of barite are sometimes found at the soil-bedrock contact. Many of the commercial barite mines produce from these residual deposits. Barite is also found as concretions in sand and sandstone.

– Associated with the third eye & crown chakras, the zodiac sign of Aquarius & vibrates to the number 1.

– Powerful transformer that releases old patterns, obsessions, or fears.
– Sets you free if you’ve conformed to other’s ideals or needs.
– Overcomes shyness.
– Highly motivating, and benefits people who are scattered/exhausted.
– Encourages intimacy and insight in all your relationships.
– Powerful stone to aid you with astral travel.
– Strengthens inner vision, and enhances dream recall.
– Helps one understand what the imagery in a dream means.
– Enhances relationships of all kinds, and assists when one finds it difficult to be your own person.
– Inspires loyalty in others when it is in your best interests

Hardness: 1.636-1.648 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 4.43-4.46
Refractive Index: 1.636-1.648

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