Similar to Smoky Quartz in composition, with the addition of Aluminum, which absorbs light. This makes black quartz less reflective and prismatic than smoky quartz, and changes the chemical structure from SiO₂ to (A10₄)⁴⁻. Also known as Morion Quartz, more commonly in European countries. True Black Quartz is rare, though there are many forgeries on the market today.

Associated with the root chakra, all zodiac signs & vibrates to the number 6.

– Provides protection, purification & are perfect crystals for cleansing a healing or meditation room.
– Clears & expands the aura, raising vibrations so the physical body can attune to & assimilate the full spectrum of light energy.
– Stimulates clairaudient abilities. Exudes the sacred Om sound when placed over the third eye.
– Protects against negative energies, psychic attacks and dark entities.
– Can be used to stimulate healing of any dis-ease, as its function is to harmonise the higher vibrational energies of the aura, light body or subtle body.

Chemical Formula: SiO₂
Shape: terminated crystals and masses
Crystal System: trigonal with hexagonal unit cell structure.
Color: black
Streak: colorless, harder than streak plate
Luster: vitreus
Diaphaneity: translucent
Hardness: 7 Mohs
Tenacity: brittle
Cleavage: none
Fracture: conchoidal
Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.7 g/cm³
Refractive Index:1.544-1.553