
Bolivianite is a recent discovery having been found in Bolivia in 2018. A second locality has been found in Peru where this mineral is being mined commercially. Due to this being a relatively new find there is still debate on the exact chemical make up of Bolivianite.

-Associated with the heart and third eye chakras, zodiac signs of Aquarius, Pisces, & Leo, & vibrates to the numbers 55&1.

– Assists in inducing a deep meditative state boosting intuition and awareness.
– Clears blockages that keep so one can see patterns and cycles that no longer serve them and help release them.
– Promotes stability during transitional periods of life.
– Calming to the emotional and physical body.
– Eases obsessive thoughts and brings one back into the self.
– Promotes peace in one’s surroundings.
– Useful to those who suffer from anxiety disorders.