
Found only in the Brandberg “Fire” Mountain of Namibia, Brandberg Amethyst is a blend of Amethyst & Clear and Smoky Quartz. They sometimes contain bubble inclusions, phantoms and other rare mineral inclusions like Lepidocrocite mica flecks & unique growth patterns that form what look like window frames. All specimens are mined with hand tools in the basalt layers on the mountain. They are rare, highly sought after & are increasingly difficult to find.

Associated with the aligning of all chakras, all zodiac signs & vibrates to the number 2 & 11.

– A powerful vibrational crystal for protection against environmental pollutants and radiation.
– When used in meditation can foster spiritual epiphanies & major spiritual growth spurts.
– A master healing crystal & the perfect crystal for light workers or those who practice healing arts.
– Provides artists with creativity and new ideas.
– Physically aids in all healing of the body and aura. Especially useful for those who have chronic fatigue or prolonged illness.

Hardness: 7.0 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 2.63 – 2.65
Refractive Index: 1.54 – 1.55