The best amplifier and director of energy. In the physics world, clear quartz has been used for years for it’s piezoelectric (electric charge that accumulates in certain materials in response to applied mechanical stress.) An example of which is the loud click in a bbq lighter. This is a process that in theory can be repeated indefinitely, a true perpetual energy machine, when used with magnets. Clear quartz has a chemical composition of SiO₂, Silicon Dioxide. These crystals are Macrocrystalline in structure, meaning you can see their geometric shape and points, and are trigonal in structure. They come in many different growth patterns, called habits, and are found all over the world. They were formed deep in the earth, under immense pressure and heat, and grew layer by layer in a hydrothermal bath of silicon dioxide fluid. Imagine being a cave person out foraging for food and coming across a perfectly double terminated clear quartz crystal point lying on the ground. Having never before seen a solid geometric figure, perhaps this was the catalyst for a major evolution of consciousness. Perhaps not, but everyone knows that small children are instantly awed by a quartz crystal point, and will covet and keep it as a cherished object for life. A true wonder of our world.

Associated with aligning all chakras, all zodiac signs & vibrates to the number 7.

-The most powerful healing energy amplifier on the planet.
-Deep soul cleanser.
-Stores energy, absorbs energy, regulates energy, & directs energy.
– Remember to cleanse your clear quartz after purchase, & put intention into it, so that it works only for you & in the manner you desire.
-Quartz clusters further increase the amplifying power of quartz.
-Holding quartz doubles your biomagnetic field, which boosts your immune system & helps fight disease.
-Aids in healing work, amplifying healing intention, increasing biomagnetic field, cleansing aura, aligning chakras and increasing connections and awareness.

Chemical Formula: SiO₂
Shape: terminated crystals and masses
Crystal System: trigonal with hexagonal unit cell structure.
Color: colorless
Streak: colorless, harder than streak plate
Luster: vitreus
Diaphaneity: transparent to translucent
Hardness: 7 Mohs
Tenacity: brittle
Cleavage: none
Fracture: conchoidal
Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.7 g/cm³
Refractive Index:1.544-1.553
Optical Properties: Uniaxial

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