
A copper cyclosilicate mineral that is found in the oxidation zones above copper deposits alongside Malachite, Chrysocolla & Shattuckite. It is an intense emerald green to blue-green color. It crystallizes as small translucent, prismatic shards or inclusions within quartz. It is extremely rare and o nly found in Namibia, Kazakhstan, Russia & Arizona.

– Associated with the heart and throat chakras, zodiac signs of Sagittarius & Scorpio & vibrates to the number 8.

– Helps one find strength that has been lying dormant, raising confidence and courage levels.
– Loving compassion, forgiveness, abundance, prosperity, heals emotional pain, activates higher purpose.
– Releases anger, frustration, jealousy, anxiety, distrust, inherited patterns of behavior, abuse, dis-ease.
– See past-life patterns, release, & move forward with new energy.

Hardness: 5 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 3.28-3.35
Refractive Index: 1.644-1.709