Ferruginous Quartz encompases a wide range of quartz in evenly colored dark yellow, orange, red and brown tones, due to inclusions of iron oxides and hematite. These inclusions are not to be confused with market fakes, usually “Tangerine Quartz” which are dusted with an orange coloring on the outsides, and are not colored all the way through. Although Ferruginous Quartz can be splotchy in color, or multicolored, they are never transparent. They are translucent to almost completely opaque. Typical specimens are short-prismatic, pseudo-hexagonal crystals without any accessorial crystal faces.

Associated with the root & sacral chakras, zodiac signs of Leo & Libra, vibrates to the number 9.

– Enhances one’s strength to pursue both needs and wants.
– Helps balance emotions, calming panic, anger, anxiety.
– Giving & receiving becomes balanced in relationships.
– Enhances evolution of the inner self.
– Sacral chakra crystal; promotes creativity and sexuality.
– Facilitates an understanding of the events that affect us on a deep level.
– Helps to “put the past in the past”.
– Useful for calming after physical or energetic trauma.
– Can help one to heal from a psychic attack, and fosters a sense of compassion towards an “attacker” by allowing an understanding of the motives of the “attacker” rather than assigning blame. Promotes forgiveness, so that one is not stuck with the negative emotions, which can turn to physical dis-ease.

Chemical Formula: SiO₂ Fe₂O₃
Shape: terminated crystals, clusters, masses
Crystal System: trigonal with hexagonal unit cell structure.
Color: dark yellow, orange, red, brown
Streak: colorless
Luster: waxy to dull
Diaphaneity: translucent, opaque
Hardness: 7 Mohs
Tenacity: brittle
Cleavage: none
Fracture: conchoidal
Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.7 g/cm³
Refractive Index:1.544-1.553