Golden Selenite gets it’s color from hematite inclusions. Gypsum crystals are usually colorless (Selenite) or milky to pearly (Satin Spar). Gypsum may also be grayish, brownish, beige, pinkish, yellowish to light red and green. Selenite was named after the Greek goddess of the moon, “Selene”.

Associated with the crown & solar plexus chakras, zodiac signs of Taurus & Leo & vibrates to the master number 11 and 2

– Called the happy crystal and sunshine crystal.
– Positively charges and amplifies other crystals.
– Combines the energies of the sun and the moon making it a super charger and cleanser. Not only of the physical space but the body as well.
– Removes negative energies, cleanses spaces & auric fields. Very strong energy cleanser.
– Restores harmony in one’s life.
– Aligns the solar plexus chakra with the crown chakra.
– Enhances intuition, visions, dreams, and clarifies messages from spirit guides.
– Raises spiritual awareness.
– Bridges one’s personal will with the higher self creating a connection between the spiritual and material planes
– An excellent stone for readers, healers, and anyone with “clair” abilities.
– Connects to the energy of the sun so it offers vitality and courage to the user.
– Connects to the energy of the moon si it helps one release cycles and patterns that no longer serve growth.
– Physically aids in aligning the spine. Gives skin, hair and nails a boost of youthful glow. Removes anxiety and worry from the mind, untangles thoughts & stops catastrophic thinking patterns.
– Said to ease symptoms of depression, moodswings, SAD, fatigue and stress.