Apatite describes a group of similar isomorphous hexagonal phosphate minerals. These include Fluorapatite, Chlorapatite, and Hydroxylapatite. Green Apatite is a variety of Apatite that can be found in chunk and crystallized form. It’s been known to grow off of other crystal masses such as Calcite. The finest Green Apatite specimens have come from Russia and Madagascar, but newly discovered pockets have been found throughout Canada.

Associated with the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras, the zodiac sign of Gemini & vibrates to the number 4.

– A stone of manifestation of wealth & abundance.
– Creates balance between the heart and mind.
– Stimulates the will of the solar plexus to allow the achievement of goals.
– Moves focus on the collective instead of the individual. Good for humanitarian work & for those who work with groups of people.
– Physically beneficial for nutrient absorption. Facilitates healthy eating and removes compulsions towards bulimia and other eating disorders.