Rainbow, Peach, Green & Black Moonstone are actually closer related to Labradorite than to Moonstone. It is a trade name, and therefore a slight misnomer. Most moonstones are used for gems and jewelry, while these stones are used for towers, spheres and other larger display items. The optical property displayed in these stones is called Chatoyance. It is more flashy, like a butterfly wing, and less glowy, like the Adularescence in moonstones. However, Labradorite is also a member of the feldspar group with moonstone, so they are closely related geologically. Green Moonstone is colored by Garnierite inclusions, giving it’s signature green hue. Garnierite is a nickel ore. Green Moonstone that has a more brown/gray coloring to the body of the stone allows the white striping to glow brightly under a UV light. This effect isn’t fluorescence, but a contrast in colors allowing the white to stand out against the darker stone.

– Associated with the heart chakra, zodiac signs of Virgo & Gemini & vibrates to the number 8 (green moonstone), 7 (garnierite), & 1 (green labradorite).

-Known as a stone of acquisition and accumulation, helping to increase one’s assets.
-Unleashes “Magnificence” from within a structure or person, bringing recognition and appreciation to the forefront.
-Stone of “Nurturing the Nurturer”, replenishes after prolonged deep service or intensive healing work
-Resets boundaries for those that have not established appropriate “giving and receiving” so that we may prevent giving until we are drained.
-Refills Heart Energy & recalibrates to return to personal balance.
– Mitigates martyrdom and rescuing dynamics, which is a common pitfall for many Lightworkers
-Suspends gossip and ameliorates scandal.
-Supports people recovering from attachment to substances, people, or situations (drama) that do not serve your highest good.
-Supports wrists, the spinal column, the forearms, and regulates bile. Overall, it enhances regenerative abilities.