(Central Australia)

Located southwest of Henbury Cattle Station in arid central Australia, the impact was 4,700 years ago. Known since 1899 by locals, British scientists officially discovered the craters and iron meteorites in 1931. Most of the 500kg were brought back to the British Royal Museum to be studied. This is a very rare meteorite. The strewn field is now a nature preserve, and one of the best examples of small meteorite craters on earth. It is one of 5 impact sites on the continent. Aboriginal peoples are said to stay clear of these craters, telling stories of a Fire Demon from the Sun, who will put an iron stone into their stomachs if they get too close. Henbury is an octahedrite iron meteorite, composed of 90% iron & 8% nickel.

– Associated with the root, 3rd eye & crown chakras, all zodiac signs & vibrates to the number 7.

– Helps align to one’s true purpose in this lifetime, clearing away what doesn’t serve.
– Incredibly powerful, the core of a planet type of power! With energy to push through hard times.
– This meteorite reminds you of your uniqueness & brings out the YOU in your personality, to the fullest.
– If you have forgotten who you truly are, this meteorite will awaken you.
– Helpful for low drive, low testosterone, confusion & procrastination. Heals blood diseases & anemia. Fills one with cosmic energy.