Pronounced, “Yay-er-meh-yeh-vite”, it is an aluminum borate mineral with variable fluoride & hydroxide ions. It is one of the rarest minerals on earth and is highly sought after as a gemstone. It was discovered in 1883 and named after Pavel Vladimirovich Eremeev, a Russian mineralogist, engineer & professor, who collected the first specimens in Siberia. It forms prismatic, hexagonal crystals that can be colorless, yellow & blue-green. Jeremejevite is pleochroic, meaning the color of the mineral appears to change depending on the angle it is viewed at. It forms as a late hydrothermal phase in granite pegmatites along with albite, tourmaline, quartz and gypsum. Jeremejevite is found in Namibia, Germany & Siberia with most blue/green, facetable specimens coming from Namibia.

Associated with the 3rd eye and crown chakras, zodiac sign of Gemini & vibrates to the numbers 1 & 55.

– Dispells superiority & inferiority complexes.
– Reduces feelings of regret and sorrow.
– A crystal for changes, transitions and starting over or starting new.
– Enhances clarivoiyance and psychic abilities.
– Benefits those who get cold easily. Encourages cellular growth and eliminates disorganized cellular growth.