
Bursera Graveolens, also known as Palo Santo, is a tree that grows in the dry tropical forests of Ecuador and Peru. It comes from the same family as Frankincense, Myrrh & Copal. Palo Santo incense, oil and burning wood have notes of pine, mint and lemon. It is considered by many to be a sacred or Holy wood. Its smoke drives away mosquitoes and other flying insects, freshens the air in living spaces and drives out stagnant energies. Used in meditation, Palo Santo grounds and clears energy, fosters a sense of safety and unifies the senses while helping to quiet the mind. Used by Shamans or Curanderos during ayahuasca ceremonies to get people ready for the journey. Palo Santo is said to enhance creativity, bring good fortune and provide a deeper connection to source energy for those who are open to it’s metaphysical properties. It’s essential oil is used in Aromatherapy and massage for it’s calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Palo Santo is harvested sustainably in the forests of Ecuador. Only naturally fallen trees are tagged, cured and harvested. The fallen trees rest for 4 to 10 years before they are ready to bring to the village to sell. Each tree is replaced by a sapling to ensure many future harvests and sustainability.

– Purifying and cleansing
– Grounds and clears energy
– Connects to source energy
– Helps one meditate deeper
– Drives away bugs
– Fosters a sense of safety
– Unifies the senses
– Used in sacred ceremony and ritual
– Anti-inflammatory properties
– Eases emotional pain, depression, anxiety, headaches, cold and flu symptoms and mood disorders.