A black and white metamorphic rock composed of dolomite, magnesite and graphite. It contains small (5mm-15mm) pine nut shaped crystals of white to yellow/brown magnesite. The pine nut shape of the crystals is where Pinolith gets its name. It is a rare stone found in small amounts in Austria and Spain. Used as an ornamental stone in antiquity, it is used as a lesser gemstone and lapidary material today.

Associated with the root & 3rd eye chakras, zodiac signs of Aries & vibrates to the number 4.

– Helps ground one’s thoughts to reality, keeping one from being up in the clouds mentally.
– Allows one to stay in the now & be aware of their surroundings.
– Promotes optimism and looking on the bright side.
– Establishes an equilibrium between emotions and intellect.
– Removes negativity for clarity of mind.
– Calms and allows one to get into a meditative state quickly and deeply.