The name comes from the Italian “A Ventura” meaning “by chance”, when copper was accidentally dropped into molten glass in the 18th century. Now that man-made glass is called Goldstone, and the name Aventurine was given to the quartz, which is found all over the world. Aventurine is a silicon dioxide with hexagonal structure, characterized by platey mineral inclusions of mica. The mica inclusions give it a shimmering, metallic glitter optical reflectance that is known as aventurescence. Most aventurine is green to blue, due to chrome bearing fuschite inclusions, but also comes in orange/pink/red/brown/yellow/gray due to hematite, lepidolite, lepidocrocite, goethite, biotite or other mica mineral inclusions. Be wary of extremely bright colored specimens as they may have been dyed. Aventurine is translucent to nearly opaque, sometimes striated and always with aventurescence.
-Associated with the root & sacra chakras, the zodiac sign of Sagittarius & Aries, vibrates to the numbers 3 (red aventurine) & 9 (orange aventurine).
Allows one to find the space to calm when feeling angry or triggered.
– Aids in interpersonal relationships by holding space for empathy.
– Promotes emotional stability and emotional healing work.
– Helpful for those who are clumsy.
– Assists with written work, computer skills and hyperactivity in children.
– Protects against radiation from cell phones, radio waves, sunlight and the effects of chemotherapy.
– Physically aids in healing eczema, rosacea, acne & psoriasis.
Hardness: 7 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 2.64-2.69
Refractive Index: 1.544-1.553