(Colorado, China, Argentina, Peru)

A manganese carbonate mineral. First used by the Inca peoples of Argentina and called Inca Rose. The official name today comes from the Greek rhodo meaning rose, and chroma meaning color. Found in only a few places in the world, usually where other carbonate minerals & silver are present. Rhodochrosite forms in veins and fractures of metamorphic rock, from ascending hydrothermal solutions. These happen in different occurrences, giving it layers that have different characteristics. Gemmy is the term for the reddest and most transparent Rhodochrosite, but it can also come in a variety of pinks to light browns. It can also form from dripping solution, which can make stalactites and stalagmites of Rhodochrosite. These are slabbed and are found as cabochons and specimens with radiating bands of pink and white. It is extremely rare to find well formed crystal specimens. One of the only locations known is the Sweet Home Mine in Colorado, which is predominantly a silver mine. Even so, Rhodochrosite is the state gem of Colorado. These specimens are commonly used as gemstone material.

Associated with the heart chakra, zodiac sign of Scorpio & vibrates to the number 4.

– Stimulates the mind, enhances dream states, creativity & personal power.
– A stone for calling to us; lovers, relationships, friendships, teachers & soulmates.
– Reconnects us to lost friends and relatives, and strengthens our heart string attachments. Can enhance telepathic links to these people and to animals.
– A great stone for making new friends or helping with the transition to a new city, school or job.
– Aids in healing childhood wounds, abandonment, neglect, physical & sexual abuse & emotional abuse.
– Physically relieves migraines, headaches and poor blood circulation. Aids the health of bones and tissues. Helps to stop somatizations, the physical disorders that stem from emotional pain & suffering.

Chemical Formula: MnCO₃
Shape: rhombohedral and scalenohedral crystals; also commonly bladed, columnar, stalactitic, botryoidal, granular or massive
Crystal System: trigonal
Color: reddish pink, pink, white, brown, yellowish
Streak: white
Luster: vitreous to pearly
Diaphaneity: transparent, translucent, opaque
Hardness: 3.5-4 Mohs
Tenacity: brittle
Cleavage: perfect, partial
Fracture: uneven, conchoidal
Specific Gravity: 3.7 g/cm³
Refractive Index:1.814-1.596