The red variety of Corundum, an aluminum oxide. Sapphire is the other gemstone variety of Corundum. Ruby has a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, with only Moissanite & Diamond above it. The red color is caused by inclusions of Chromium. It has a hexagonal crystal system, and occasional inclusions of titanium dioxide can cause light refraction within the gemstone to appear as a reflective 6 pointed star. It is primarily found in Myanmar, India, Brazil, Thailand, Sri Lanka & the USA. It is a very popular gemstone due to its rich color, hardness, and clarity. It is one of the “Cardinal Gems” along with Emerald, Sapphire, Amethyst & Diamond. It has been associated with nobility since before the time of Jesus.

Associated with the root & heart chakras, zodiac sign of Aquarius & vibrates to the number 9.

– Enhance psychic awareness, & connection to spiritual realms.
– Clears blockages of heart, fills voids with positive, loving energy & promotes vitality.
– Provides support during emotionally distressing times.
– Heals emotional trauma while boosting confidence and assuredness in self.
– Grounds the heart to the earth, allowing one to vibrate higher, speak from a place of love and let go of the negative and toxic emotional baggage of the past.
– Aids in maintaining individuality while connecting to humanity as a whole.
– Transmutes negative energy to positive. One of the few stones that can do that.
– Deepens meditative states & sleep.
– Physically helps recovery from chronic/extended illness.

Chemical Formula: Al₂O₃ K(Al,Cr)2(Si3AlO10)(OH)2
Shape: massive
Crystal System: monoclinic
Color: light green to seafoam green with hexagonal ruby inclusions, sometimes with blue kyanite rims on the ruby.
Streak: white with seafoam flakes
Luster: pearly to vitreous
Diaphaneity: opaque, slightly translucent
Hardness: 2-3 Mohs (ruby is 9)
Cleavage: perfect
Fracture: conchoidal, splintery
Specific Gravity: 2.8-2.9 g/cm³