Scapolite is a term used for all of the Scapolite minerals. They are a group of rock-forming silicate minerals composed of aluminum, calcium and sulfur. They are almost impossible to tell apart with the naked eye, so they are all called Scapolite to reduce misidentifications. Meionite, Marialite and Silvialite are some of the members of the group. It’s name comes from the Greek word for shaft, alluding to its long prismatic form. They are found in small quantities in some metamorphic and igneous rock. In massive form, it displays almost a wood grain, or fibrous texture. It rarely forms short, columnar prismatic crystals. Scapolite minerals are easily altered by weathering. They are some of the first minerals attacked by their host rock and will morph into micas and clays. Their only use is as a minor gemstone. They can come in colors ranging from clear, yellow, orange, gray, gray-blue, pink and purple. They are transparent to translucent, have a hardness of 5 to 6 and sometimes display cat’s eye chatoyancy. This mineral is U.V. reactive!
Associated with the third eye and crown chakras, zodiac signs of Libra and Taurus and vibrates to the number 1.
– Helps one to realize patterns of behavior that continually repeat, so that one can learn to change them.
– Blocks one from self-sabotage.
– Balances the energies of the body and subtle bodies.
– Vibrates with positivity and possibility with effervescence and electricity.
– Opening the crown chakra, Scapolite expands consciousness, and facilitates the gaining of wisdom from the higher realms.
– Connects one to their higher self and spirit guides.
– Promotes expansiveness and inspires creativity.
– Increases energy, decreases feelings of depression and stagnation.
– Physically beneficial to those with eye problems, pain and degeneration. Helpful to the liver, spleen and other filter organs.