Unlike other Obsidians, Snowflake Obsidian cooled slowly enough that inclusions of Cristobalite were able to form the snowflake looking sprays of grey/white present in the stone, called Spherulites. Found in Oregon, Utah & Argentina.
Unlike other Obsidians, Snowflake Obsidian cooled slowly enough that inclusions of Cristobalite were able to form the snowflake looking sprays of grey/white present in the stone, called Spherulites. Found in Oregon, Utah & Argentina.
– Connects the root chakra to the crown chakra, the earth to the sky, our physical bodies to our etheric bodies.
– Helps one recognize unhealthy patterns of thinking, facilitating change and growth.
– Aids in past life recall and awareness of our karmic debts in this life and others so that we can understand our purpose here on this plane.
– Focuses the minds of those who tend to wander. Grounding, Good for ADHD, daydreamers and those who tend to metally escape into their own worlds.
– Strengthens resolve and helps one to break bad habits/addictions.
– Physically, Snowflake Obsidian is beneficial for those with arthritis, joint pain, osteoporosis, tendonitis and carpal tunnel.
Chemical Formula: SiO₂
Shape: amorphous
Crystal System: none
Habit: massive
Color: dark green to black with white spots.
Streak: white
Luster: vitreous
Transparency: transparent to opaque.
Hardness: 5-5.5 Mohs
Cleavage: none
Fracture: conchoidal
Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.65 g/cm³
Refractive Index: 1.450-1.550
Optical Properties: Isotropic