
A silicate mineral commonly found in metamorphic rocks. It forms when shale is strongly altered by regional metamorphism. It is often found with almandine garnet, muscovite and kyanite. It’s name comes from the Greek “stauros” meaning cross. Staurolite commonly occurs as brown, twinned, six sided crystals that intersect at 60 or 90 degrees. It is usually easy to identify when it occurs as visible grains in a metamorphic rock. The grains of Staurolite are larger than the grains of other minerals in the rock and they often exhibit obvious crystal structure with penetrating twins. The state stone of Georgia. Also found abundantly in Patrick County, Virginia where a state park is named for them called “Fairy Stone State Park.”

Associated with the root, heart and third eye chakras, the zodiac sign of Pisces & vibrates to the number 5.

– Opens one’s third eye chakra to channel information from spirit guides and teachers.
– Aligns one on their spiritual path.
– Acts as a key to the astral plane, devic realm and domain of the fairies.
– When meditated with may allow for visions or symbols to be “seen” &/or interpreted, leading to higher understanding/consciousness.
– Brings to light painful emotions and memories that are usually hidden, so that one can lovingly embrace and let go of what no longer serves.
– Aids in healing grief, a broken heart or other emotional pain.
– Useful for those giving up self destructive habits, detoxing or cleansing the physical body.

Hardness: 7 – 7.5 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 3.65-3.77
Refractive Index: 1.736-1.762