Sunstone is a plagioclase feldspar & Iolite (Cordierite) is a blue-violet magnesium iron aluminum cyclosilicate mineral. Sunstone displays schiller and aventurescent optical properties and Iolite displays pleochroism. Together they make a very beautiful stone to behold.

Associated with the sacral, solar plexus and third eye chakras, zodiac signs of Libra and Taurus & vibrates to the number 5.

– Combines the confident energy of the sun with the deep clarity of intuition and self acceptance of the third eye chakra.
– Brings clarity to any situation and aids in decision making.
– Gives extra energy when needed, alleviates procrastination, laziness and apathy.
– Removes beliefs that are not your own. Programming from others with hooks in you.
– Physically stimulates the immune system, helps regulate the nervous system and ease anxiety.