Discovered near Boron, CA in 1915 & only found there and in Turkey. It is a rare borate mineral that crystallizes in the monoclinic system as aggregates of slender prisms and nodules with irregular surfaces. Typically found as layered crystals which cleave easily, exhibiting a pearly luster. Translucent to transparent, it may be clear, grayish or light brown.

Associated with the heart & crown chakra, zodiac sign of Libra & vibrates to the number 1.

– Fills the body with white light and brings about a shift of consciousness.
– Brings us “clear vision” and the ability to see things as they truly are.
– Induces deep meditation.
– Removes cords that are connected to you from another person, placed there by that other person. The cords will be removed, even without your focus and intent.
– It is immensely healing on both a physical and spiritual level to the heart and lungs.
– Supports the thyroid, fights infection, and can be helpful in the treatment of osteoarthritis.