A rare member of the Apatite family, combining lead, vanadium, chlorine and oxygen. Vanadinite usually forms where lead minerals are oxidized, often in areas with an arid climate. It is not a common mineral, but it is found in small quantities in many parts of the world. It was given its name because of its vanadium content. It occurs as small, tabular, hexagonal prisms in bright red, orange, yellow or brown. It can also occur in globular forms and incrustations on top of other minerals. It is almost always a secondary mineral, forming in the oxidized zone above lead deposits. Vanadinite is safe as long as it is not ground into a powder and inhaled, or ingested. It is recommended that one washes hands after handling & please do not lick the stones. NOTE: Contains vanadium & Lead. Wash hands after handling. Do NOT make elixirs by direct method. Do NOT ingest.

Associated with the Root, Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras, zodiac sign of Virgo & vibrates to the number 9.

– Top stone for getting work done. Energizes lower 3 chakras, giving one added endurance, persistence, power, and will to finish a project.
– Stimulates mind centers & links them to lower chakras, providing an ideal combination of clear thought, vitality, organization, & determination for achieving goals that require hard work. Helps one stay on task.
– Focus, energy, training, and combats drowsiness and fatigue.
– Sense & predict weather changes.
– Direct link to Earth Energies.
– Connect with animal self and relish the experience of physical life.

Hardness : 2.5 – 3 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 6.50-7.10
Refractive Index: 2.416