A silicate mineral of the trigonal system of crystals. First named for its presence next to lavas near Mount Vesuvius. The names Vesuvianite and Idocrase were coined a year apart in 1795 &1796, and both are used interchangeably, with Idocrase being used more for gem quality specimens. Its color can be brown, green, yellow or blue, but is most commonly green.

Associated with the solar plexus & heart chakras, zodiac signs of Capricorn & Sagittarius & vibrates to the numbers 2, 3 & 11.

– Highly energetic. Aligns one’s personal will with the promptings of the heart, solving the battle between the Ego and the Self.
– Facilitates manifestation of the heartโ€™s desires, and helps one take one’s true path.
– Helpful when changing habit patterns, relationships & jobs. Combats negative thoughts, fears & limiting beliefs.
– Allows one to see which unconscious memories hold one back & aids in releasing them.

Hardness : 6.5 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 3.32-3.47
Refractive Index: 1.700-1.723