Spanish for “mudstone”, Lodolite is a popular trade name for Quartz Crystal with Chlorite Mica inclusions. The inclusions within Lodolite can appear green to brown & look like tiny gardens inside the quartz. Lodolite differs from other chlorite quartz and phantom quartz in that it is found only in massive form, not in points or clusters. It is usually shaped and polished into palm stones, free forms, towers, spheres and cabochons.

-Associated with the heart and crown chakras, the zodiac sign of Sagittarius & vibrates to the numbers 2 & 11.

– One of the best crystals for cleansing the physical and auric body, and surrounding environment.
– Dispels excess anger, frustration & resentment, fostering heart healing. Exudes a quiet, gentle strength to help overcome personal challenges.
– Removes blockages to allow one to acknowledge unwanted emotions, forgive, release & move on.
– Aids in the release of fear around love, passion, intimacy, commitment, relationship & fear of abandonment.
– Protects against psychic attacks.
– A stone of wealth and manifestation.
– Reduces the symptoms of ADD, ADHD, possessiveness & the desire to be manipulative.
– Physically acts as a painkiller, and full body detoxifier. May help in the removal of liver spots & skin growths.

Hardness: 7.5 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 2.65
Refractive Index: 1.543-1.554