Selenite and Satin Spar are both members of the Gypsum family, along with Desert Rose and Alabaster. They are almost identical in chemical composition, but visually they differ slightly. Selenite is plate-like and transparent, while Satin Spar is fibrous and milky white. True Selenite is rare & expensive, while Satin Spar is plentiful and affordable. Due to this difference, many in the crystal community have labeled Satin Spar as Selenite to sell more crystals. This has led to a commonly mislabeled mineral, and most people unaware of the switch. We have chosen to keep both names and simply give one the information to be able to differentiate for themselves. Selenite (which in this case encompases all 4 varieties of Gypsum) was named after the Greek goddess of the moon, “Selene”, but does not contain the mineral Selenium. Gypsum crystals are usually colorless (Selenite) or milky to pearly (Satin Spar). Gypsum may also be grayish, brownish, beige, pinkish, yellowish to light red and green. The colors are caused by inclusions of other minerals.

Associated with the third eye, crown & etheric chakras, zodiac signs of Cancer & Gemini & vibrates to the number 8.

– Positively charges and amplifies other crystals.
– Never needs to be energetically cleansed.
– Magnifies positive energy, radiates love and acceptance.
– Promotes the processing of one’s emotions and allows for release and moving on.
– Removes negative energies, cleanses spaces & auric fields. Very strong energy cleanser.
– Stone of protection, purification, harmony & soul healing.
– Enhances intuition, visions, dreams, and clarifies messages from spirit guides.
– Aids in decision making and seeing things clearly.
– Physically aids in aligning the spine. Gives skin, hair and nails a boost of youthful glow.
-Facilitates the removal of anxiety and worry from the mind, untangles thoughts & stops catastrophic thinking patterns.
– Stone of deep transformation
– Cleanses & clears negative energy from space, physical body & spiritual body
– Increases self-awareness in order to release the past to achieve forgiveness & acceptance
– Magnifies positive energy.

Hardness: 2 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 2.24 to 2.30
Refractive Index: 1.509-1.525