Named in 1926 by Sid Pieters, who discovered it in Windhoek, Namibia. It is a brecciated mix of Tiger’s eye & Hawk’s Eye. It appears dark grey & blue, gold, earth tones & red. A breccia is a stone composed of many angular pieces of different stones, cemented together with chalcedony. They form where small, angular bits of rock, bigger than 2mm, accumulate naturally due to weathering & are cemented in a matrix of smaller rock and minerals. Pietersite is made up of multiple chatoyant stones. Chatoyancy is the cat’s eye optical property of Tiger’s Eye & Hawk’s Eye. Because it is a breccia, the direction of the chatoyant fibers in the different pieces differs, which is extremely rare and unique. The swirling pattern has lent this stone to sometimes be called, “The Tempest Stone”. To date it has only been found in Namibia & China.

– Associated with all chakra and zodiac signs and vibrates to the number 9.

– A stone for those starting something new, starting over, getting on or moving on.
– Powerful increase in the energy of the will and in one’s intuition. Telepathy increases.
– Keen insight leads to decisive, favorable actions and outcomes.
– Readers of tarot & oracles will find their vision sharper and predictions more exact.
– Brings balance to those finding it difficult to harmonize their physical and spiritual desires.
– “Seeds” the clouds of built-up, internalized feelings and problems, and brings an outpouring to clear the air and begin the healing process. Powerful.
– Physically increases energy, stimulates the pituitary gland & helps with migraines, tension headaches & fatigue.

Chemical Formula: SiO₂
Shape: breccia, massive
Crystal System: trigonal
Color: brown, red, orange, gold, gray, blue
Streak: colorless
Luster: silky
Diaphaneity: opaque
Hardness: 6.5-7 Moh’s
Tenacity: brittle
Cleavage: none
Fracture: conchoidal
Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.7 g/cm³
Refractive Index: 1.54-1.55