Rhyolite is the extrusive equivalent of granite, which is intrusive igneous rock. In other words, Rhyolite formed from magma that cooled on the Earth’s surface, where granite formed from hot magma, deep within the Earth. Rhyolite is high in silica, fine grained and glassy. Rhyolite that cools too quickly to form crystals is called Obsidian. Rainforest Rhyolite is often confused with jasper, due to it’s opaque, multicolored and smooth appearance. They are very similar, but formed completely differently. Rainforest Rhyolite is dark green with orbicules and splotches of light green, brown, orange & white.

Associated with the lower 4 chakras, zodiac signs of Aries, Gemini & Sagittarius & vibrates to the numbers 3, 5 & 77

– Deeply connected to the natural world, plants, animals and the outdoors.
– Promotes longer and deeper meditation.
– Increases feelings of self worth, hope and happiness.
– Helps one to stay in the now, and stop worrying about the past and future.
– Helps activate contact with loved ones who have ascended to other planes, and is a useful tool when communicating with animals.
– Overcome procrastination and distraction, and is an excellent stone to carry during confrontations; It stimulates insight into solutions and alternatives.
– Gives one space to investigate and remove emotional blockages, opening the heart space and allowing one to receive and give love.
– Physically strengthens the immune system, shortens colds and helps protect against sicknesses like the flu.
– Aids weight loss, and alleviates hypoglycemia, diabetes, and boosts the immune system, kidneys, and liver.