A variety of Hematite with aggregates of sivery, metallic, specular (mirror-like) hematite flakes or tabular, anhedral crystals. It is dark gray to blackish red in color, and when polished is extremely sparkly.

Associated with the root and crown chakras, zodiac sign of Aquarius & vibrates to the number 3.

– Grounds the crown chakra to mother earth, allowing for our desires to be manifested in reality.
– Enhances feelings of synchronicity, deja vu, coincidence and patterns.
– Provides confidence in one’s spiritual journey and lessens how much one cares about how other people think or perceive them.
– A stone for concentration, focus and finishing tasks.
– Protects against negative energies & beings, psychic attacks and negative thought forms.
– Physically beneficial to the blood, kidneys, & liver. Detoxes & oxygenates the blood.

Cleavage: None
Color: Reddish gray, Black, Blackish red.
Density: 5.3
Diaphaneity: Sub Translucent to opaque
Fracture: Conchoidal – Fractures developed in brittle materials characterized by smoothly curving surfaces, (e.g. quartz).
Hardness: 6.5 – Pyrite
Luminescence: Non-fluorescent.
Luster: Metallic
Magnetism: Magnetic after heating
Streak: reddish brown