Diamond, Herkimer

  • Energizes, enlivens, promotes creativity.
  • Stimulates psychic abilities, spiritual vision, telepathy, & dream recall.
  • Can be used to recognize past-life information, injuries, and dis-ease to identify blockages and resistance to spiritual growth.
  • Facilitates gentle release and transformation, bringing your soul’s purpose forward.
  • Activates the light body.
  • Attunes people and links them together when they have to be parted; each person should retain one stone.
  • Programmable for use by self and others.
  • Strong electromagnetic pollution and radioactivity shield.
  • Detoxifier, corrects DNA and cellular disorders, metabolic imbalances, and eliminates stress and tension from the body.

Herkimer, NY, USA

Michelle Ferris

Michelle Ferris is the owner, curator, and buyer for Crystal Lounge by Crystallography Gems. Born & raised in Seattle by first-generation parents, she has worked to create authentic, connective, and inclusive events for the better portion of her professional life. Since 2013, Michelle worked to create community-activated Rock, Gem, Art, & Music shows, at which Crystallography Gems was a cornerstone. At the start of the pandemic, moved her operation online, and opened a shop in Georgetown, expanding into a larger showroom in 2022. In November 2023, she moved her shop to downtown Seattle, rebranding it as Crystal Lounge by Crystallography Gems. Her shop offers crystals, minerals, gems, rocks, jewelry, and metaphysical tools, and focuses on getting her customers the tools they need, and the education needed for them to make informed, confident decisions about their purchases.