Red Aragonite raw crystal cluster
Red Aragonite raw crystal cluster


pronunciation – Aragonite – “ah-RAG-uh-nite”

Serving as a powerful crystal for grounding and balancing, Aragonite supports responsibility and practicality. This mineral comes in a variety of colors including red, blue, and several others. Curious to find out what these stones can do for you? Read on to learn more about Aragonite!


Aragonite stabilizes, calms, and centers while promoting confidence in releasing what no longer serves. This stone’s potent energy can align the chakras and facilitate inner balance, clarity, and transformation.

Aragonite’s ability to center also makes it effective when it comes to manifestation. As a result, this stone’s vibration can assist in making permanent changes to the user’s daily life.

Aragonite also serves those with a high level of responsibility. It supports the user in achieving a greater level of discipline by strengthening reliability and practicality. This crystal helps mitigate procrastination by enhancing focus on the task at hand and facilitating delegation of excessive workloads.

Furthermore, Aragonite grounds physical energies to inspire patience and soothe uncomfortable or overwhelming sensitivities. These grounding and balancing properties make Aragonite a strong choice for meditation.


Aragonite supports overall comfort and ease in the self. It can help to ease the physical symptoms of an overactive mind or anxiety, especially nervous twitching and picking.

Aragonite aids in the treatment of a circulatory disorder called Raynaud’s disease by warming the body and increasing blood flow. It is also said to assist in absorbing calcium and healing bones.

Aragonite bolsters the immune system, thereby increasing resistance against flu, cold, respiratory illness, and viral infection. This stone lends support to other issues in the body as well including prostate and ovary afflictions, depression, chronic fatigue, hair loss, and digestive problems.


HEALING PROPERTIESTrauma, Strength, Balance, Courage, Confidence
CHAKRASRoot, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Third Eye
ZODIAC SIGNSCapricorn, Cancer
NUMBERS4, 5, 9
TAROTThe Emperor, The Hierophant, The Hermit
ELEMENTSEarth, Water
DEITIESAmaterasu, Gaia
PAIRINGSCalcite, Selenite, Phenakite, Actinolite, Stellerite, Angelite


Lore tells us that Aragonite is associated with Amaterasu, the Shinto goddess of the sun. Legend has it that Amaterasu’s brother once unleashed great violence on the Heavens and on Earth. Shocked and ashamed of her brother’s actions, Amaterasu fled, thus depriving the Earth and other planets of her light and warmth. Although the other Kami (Shinto deities) begged for the goddess to return from her exile, she would not be consoled.

This continued until Uzume, the goddess of dawn, performed an outrageous dance that had all the Kami laughing and giggling.  Amaterasu, curious about all the commotion, peeked out from her hideaway to see what was happening. Uzume then revealed a mirror to Amaterasu, and she saw her own radiance in the presence of her fellow Kami.

Amaterasu realized that her light served as a counterbalance to her brother’s darkness and finally understood that she was very much needed. With this newfound acceptance shining in her heart, Amaterasu emerged from her exile to illuminate the skies once more. This legend echoes Aragonite’s ability to promote clarity and transformation and soothe intense sensitivities such that those who seek its aid may shine their brightest even in the face of adversity.


Use Aragonite during meditation to center, find balance, and direct mental, physical and spiritual energies.

Hold Aragonite when feeling stress or anger to cool your temper and release these emotions without incident.

On the Body: Hold a piece during meditation or healing rituals to center and balance physical, mental, and spiritual energies.

Inside: Place in the home to help those who need focus to complete tasks within a time limit.

Outside: Place on your desk at work in order to facilitate delegation rather than taking on more than you can handle.


Physical Cleaning: Clean Aragonite with canned air to remove dust and debris.

Energetic Cleansing: There are numerous ways to energetically cleanse Aragonite.

  • Set on or next to Selenite or Satin Spar, or set in lavender.
  • Use smoke from herb bundles or incense.
  • Charge under the full moonlight.


Aragonite contains impurities and inclusions that could alter the color of the crystals including lead, zinc, copper, strontium, and magnesium.
“Toxic or harmful stone.” (Harton)

For more information and citations regarding toxic, poisonous, and otherwise dangerous crystals, visit our Toxic Crystals page!


Aragonite contains potential toxins which render it unsafe for use in gem elixirs made with the direct method. Only use the indirect method for creating a gem elixir with this stone.


Common Names: N/A
Trade Names: Golfball Aragonite, Sputnik Aragonite, Flos Ferri
Trademarked Names: N/A


in 1790 Aragonite was discovered by A.G. Werner in Molina de Aragón, Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. This common mineral occurs all over the world and has been mined in Italy, the U.K., Pakistan, the U.S., and Mexico.

Also known as Golfball or Sputnik Aragonite, this crystal is one of the three calcium carbonate minerals that occur naturally; the other two are Calcite and Vaterite. Aragonite is a polymorph of Calcite meaning it has the same chemistry but a different structure, symmetry, and shape. A triangular ion group (CO3) has carbon at the center and oxygen at each corner of the triangle. In Calcite, the carbonate ions lie in a single plane that points in one direction whereas Aragonite carbonate ions lie in two planes pointing in opposite directions.

Aragonite forms in many environments such as volcanic areas, caves, mines, and even deposits in hot springs. This stone is most often found in the form of small prismatic crystals, masses, stalactites, and spherical radiating aggregates; however, its most noteworthy crystal formation is a twinned pseudo-hexagonal prismatic structure.

Aragonite is a building block for many sea creatures’ shell structures and most bivalve animals and corals secrete this mineral to build their shells. The pearlization and iridescence in Mother of Pearl and Abalone come from many extremely small layers of Aragonite; pearls are also composed of mostly Aragonite.

HABITColumnar – Forms columns
Fibrous – Crystals made up of fibers
Pseudo Hexagonal – Crystals show a hexagonal outline.
COLORColorless, White, Gray, Yellowish white, Reddish white, Blue
LUSTERVitreous (Glassy)
DIAPHANEITYTransparent to translucent
HARDNESS3.5 – 4 Mohs
CLEAVAGE{010} Distinct
FRACTURESub Conchoidal
SPECIFIC GRAVITY2.93 – 2.97 kg/cm3
OPTICAL PROPERTIESBiaxial (-), a=1.529-1.53, b=1.68-1.682, g=1.685-1.686


Blue Aragonite tumbled crystals
Blue Aragonite tumbled crystals

Blue Aragonite

Blue Aragonite inspires greater empathy, making it a wonderful companion for healers and teachers. This gentle crystal enhances communication, especially regarding one’s spirituality.

Red Aragonite polished crystal
Red Aragonite polished crystal

Red Aragonite

Red Aragonite activates the root chakra in service of greater discipline and reliability. This stone can provide the grounding necessary to explore the past and gain greater insight into how it may be affecting one’s present reality.


Crystallography Gems, inc. and do not dispense medical advice nor prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for medical problems. Always seek the advice of your medical physician or a qualified healthcare provider with any questions that you might have about a medical condition.