Brownish grey, translucent variety of quartz that ranges in clarity from almost complete transparency to an opaque brownish-gray or black crystal. The smoky colour results from natural irradiation deep within the earth during growth. Made up of Silicon Dioxide and formed in a hexagonal crystal system, Smokey Quartz forms well terminated points in many different sizes & in geodes. Smokey quartz can have inclusions of water or carbon dioxide, among other mineral inclusions like rutile or chlorite.

Associated with the root chakra, zodiac signs of Scorpio, Aquarius & Sagittarius & vibrates to the number 6

– Gives spacey people “land legs.”
– Especially useful for Aquarians to stay grounded in reality.
– Powerful for grounding other crystal energy, energy clearing & negative energy protection.
– Good for practicality & organization, focus & time management.
– Aids in manifestation of dreams, inspirations & ideas.
– Physically counters the negative effects of radiation, sunburn & chemo.

Chemical Formula: SiO₂
Shape: terminated crystals, masses
Crystal System: trigonal with hexagonal unit cell structure.
Color: brownish grey
Streak: colorless
Luster: vitreous, waxy to dull when massive
Diaphaneity: transparent, translucent, opaque
Hardness: 7 Mohs
Tenacity: brittle
Cleavage: none
Fracture: conchoidal
Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.7 g/cm³
Refractive Index:1.544-1.553