Crystals and their Geological and Metaphysical Healing Properties listed in the Crystal Healing Encyclopedia.


Grounding, shields against negativity & cleanses psychic smog. Dissolves emotional blockages, disharmony, ancient traumas, fear, resentment, & anger. Compassion, strength, & growth; Urges exploration & new horizons. Truth-enhancer clears confusion…

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Nuummite, Greenland, Grade A++ Sorcerer’s Stone. Earth & Storm energies. Oldest mineral on Earth. Grounding. Excellent source of energy w strong electromagnetic field. Aligns subtle bodies, strengthens auric shield, &…

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One of the most powerful stones for stimulation of 3rd eye & crown chakra, and for initiating yogic experiences. Psychic protection. Can bring light to areas of the body where…

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Attuned to the frequency of Divine love and Divine compassion, opening the heart and making us aware of the huge ocean of cosmic love within which we all exist. Encourages…

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Moonstone, Peach

Calms, soothes worry/anxiety. Perceive positive in all situations, brightens emotions, lifts vibration. Psychic protection, transmutes negative energy. Improves self-image, self-worth. Develop intuition, clairvoyance.

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Moonstone, Cream/White

Balance emotional body, especially aggression. Increases emotional vision, creative abilities, & freedom of expression. Increases synchronicities. Abundance, hope, sensitivity, intuition, psychic abilities. Protection, esp. during childbirth, pregnancy, & travel on/by…

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Stone of Manifestation! Great changes in short periods of time. Brings you into communication with the higher self and extraterrestrials. Brings about rapid evolution of the spirit and rising of…

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Reflective qualities... Recognize flaws and view them with love. Helps to eliminate negative personality traits by helping one recognize them. Enhances flexibility and growth. Diminishes anger, hostility, nervous energy. Aligns…

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Vibrates with an almost electrical intensity. Activates kundalini. Causes great awakenings and great changes to happen quickly. Stimulates third eye, crown chakras. Grounding. Provides calming energy when one is stressed,…

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Communication with other planes, especially the spiritual plane and used to access extraterrestrial information. Promotes both one-on-one relationships and group relationships. Activates the Heart Chakra and allows you to see…

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Mer means connecting thread (Light) Ka means The Spirit or Astral Self Ba means The Body or Physical Self Carries Divine Light, used by Seekers, Healers and Realm Walkers to…

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Malachite 15.49 oz Malachite 12.17 oz Malachite 5.33 oz Malachite, Carvings, Gorilla 22.54 oz Malachite, Geometric, Box w Lid 12.10 oz A green copper carbonate hydroxide mineral Cu₂(CO)₃(OH)₂, and one…

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Magnetic, can be used to correct biomagnetic field. Grounding stone. Magnetite attracts and repels. If one’s system is sluggish, it energizes. If an organ or meridian is overactive, Magnetite will…

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Stone of rebirth. Transformations. Relieves stress, anxiety, mood-swings despondency, PTSD, anger, panic attacks, addictions, and depression. Brings self-love, patience, balance. Allows one to see true self and future potential. Speeds…

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Use on heart or throat chakra. Clear communication from the heart. Soothing, calming. Dissolves emotional barriers, releasing stored negativity & emotions & remembered pain. Encourages forgiveness. Alleviates postpartum depression. Dominican…

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Lapis Lazuli

Stone of ancient knowledge and wisdom. Encourages inner self knowledge, self-acceptance, encourages self-awareness, and will show you inner truth. Honesty, compassion, morality, and balance. Encourages creativity, opening one up to…

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Highly protective stone, deflecting bad energy, and preventing energy leakage away from user. Helps one find one’s unique gifts. Dispels illusions, cuts straight to the heart of the matter. Eases…

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Kyanite, Orange

Energy amplifier & cleanser, clears unwanted attachments & entities. Brings hope & motivation to life. Promotes visions of spiritual rather than physical reality, & speeds up growth & development. Amplifies…

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Kyanite, Green

Rejuvenation, energy, stamina, luck, success, abundance, creativity Manifests one’s goals Assists in overcoming emotional problems with father or male figures. Helps unveil cause the cause of problems or an offender.…

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Kyanite, Blue

Create rapid transfers of energy Accentuates mental capacities and ability to “download” information from higher sources. Encourages lucid dreaming. Links the physical and astral bodies. Used with green kyanite, links…

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Kyanite, Black

Takes one back to past lives and to probable futures. Teaches interdimensional consciousness without losing one’s connection to earth. Grounding while energizing. Helps heal tears or holes in the chakras…

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Kunzite, PinkKunzite, Pink Radiates peace & universal love. Helps with meditation. Enhances creativity & humility. Dispels attached entities. Strengthens energy field. Removes obstacles from your path. Unblocks emotions and memories.…

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Protective, grounding, purifying, draws off negative vibrations, cleanses other stones, alleviates grief. Relief from headaches/migraines. Helps victims of negative energy understand their original purpose, and the lesson to be learned.…

Continue ReadingJet

Jasper, Unakite

Resonates w frequency of love, compassion, kindness. Balances the emotional body. Strong, harmonious relationships. Gently Release deep-seated emotions, promotes patience, persistence, & eliminates bad habits. Supports those who feel lost,…

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Jasper, Red

Tranquility, wholeness, unifying. Shamanic journeys & dream recall. Clears EMFs and radiation. Determination & courage to assertively fix conflicts and see projects through. Prolongs sexual pleasure.

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Jasper, Picture

Unveils hidden messages from the past, connects you to sacred sites, & ancient civilizations. Promotes ecological responsibility. Brings hidden emotions to the surface for healing; alleviates fear. Encourages initiative; particularly…

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Jasper, Mookaite

Increases strength, vitality, will, confidence, self-worth, life force, & to realize one’s full potential. Connect & feel electromagnetic energy currents of Earth. Overcome procrastination by revealing true reasons for avoiding…

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Jasper, Kambaba

Jasper, Kambaba 5.36 oz Jasper, Kambaba 9.81 oz Stone of peace & tranquility facilitating connection to ancient Earth wisdom, manifestation, & abundance Reduces negative thought patterns, stress, & nightmares Increases…

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Jasper, Bumblebee

Positive outlook, zest for life, physical vitality, confidence in one’s actions. Removes energy blockages within sacral & solar plexus chakras. Manifest what is one’s highest good. Mental clarity, enhanced awareness,…

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Jade, Nephrite

Dream work, lucid dreaming, remembering dreams. Revitalizing, healing, calming. Health, confidence, good luck. Opens heart to allow abundance to flow naturally. Balances male & female energies. Helps w dysfunctional relationships.…

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Increases love and nurturing. Brings harmony, luck, friendship. Promotes self-sufficiency. Stimulates ideas and makes tasks seem less complex. Insightful dreams. Helps body’s filtration system & kidneys.

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Surrounds you and your aura like a cloak of protection and invisibility when one feels overburdened or worn out, and when rest and quiet are needed. Very useful for delicate…

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Extremely calming stone. Antidote for insomnia, especially when caused by overactive mind. Attunes mind to spiritual dimensions, allowing reception of wisdom and insights. Assists journey out of body and accessing…

Continue ReadingHowlite


Connect to Atlantis, Lemuria, or Egypt. Learn about & heal situations from your past lives; stop re-living these situations. Encourages spiritual awakening. Compassion & forgiveness. Release anger, fear, jealousy, and…

Continue ReadingHeulandite


One of the best stones for awakening and charging the upper chakras of the body and fully connecting conscious awareness to the higher dimensions. Very elevating, but smooth and soft.…

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Harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit. Useful for protection and grounding during out-of-body traveling. Dissolves negativity, blocking these from entering aura. Beneficial for legal situations. Supports timid women, boosts self-esteem…

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Teaches one the importance between needs & wants. Increases energy flow in all direction. Teaches one there is more to life than what exists on Earth itself, allowing connection to…

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Garnet, Red

Warns of approaching danger. Regenerates body & increases vitamin and mineral assimilation. Detoxifying. A crisis becomes a challenge to overcome rather than a problem. Sharpens perceptions of self and others.…

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Transformative for spiritual journeys. Past life recall stone & soul-retrieval. Strength, courage, & ability to face difficult times or overcome addictions. Recover personal power. Counters ill effects of radiation, EMF…

Continue ReadingGalena

Fluorite, Purple

FancyPurple, Mexico Speak ideas & needs w confidence. Embrace self-sufficiency; don’t rest happiness in the hands of others. Reveal the truth of a relationship. Release suppressed emotions, facilitate life changes.…

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Lady Annabella PurpleRainbow Natural Clears, dispels, cleanses, purifies & reorganizes anything in the body not in perfect order; master organizer. Grounding, absorbs negative energy, cleanses aura/chakras. Anchors intuitive power &…

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Flower of Life

Geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, that are arranged so that they form a flower-like pattern with a sixfold symmetry like a hexagon. The center of each circle…

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Increases coincidence & synchronicity. Stimulates clairaudience, psychic resonance/abilities & manifestation. Revitalizes one’s personal power. Brings harmony to matters of the heart. Trust oneself and others. Eases compulsive behavior/thinking.

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Increases spiritual attunement and removes ingrained resistance to spiritual awakening. Not everyone responds well to this stone, as it brings to the surface feelings and thought patterns that require considerable…

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Purest form of Green Ray, color of heart chakra, love, and compassion, which reflect one’s Divine nature. Helps one live and act from the heart, and not be misled by…

Continue ReadingEmerald


Opens the doors of insight, activating 3rd eye chakra. Helps transcend seemingly hopeless or difficult situations. Enhances all mental abilities: linguistic, mathematical, abstract, and emotional intelligence. Activates latent psychic abilities,…

Continue ReadingDumortierite


Calm, center, balance. Auric field finds homeostasis, filling gaps, retracts overextensions, dispels negativity, and goes to optimal form. Acts as reset button for emotions. Softens anger and fear, and reins…

Continue ReadingDolomite


Awakens loving compassion and heals emotional pain. Stimulates forgiveness. Activates one’s higher purpose. Opens inner eye to see karmic past-life patterns, releasing our attachment and moving forward with new energy.…

Continue ReadingDioptase

Diamond, Herkimer

Energizes, enlivens, promotes creativity.Stimulates psychic abilities, spiritual vision, telepathy, & dream recall.Can be used to recognize past-life information, injuries, and dis-ease to identify blockages and resistance to spiritual growth.Facilitates gentle…

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Carries very pure vibration and works on heart energy. Activates intellect and higher consciousness. Filled with cosmic light, connects to angelic realm. Link to serenity and eternal wisdom. Tool for…

Continue ReadingDanburite


Grounding, stabilizing. Power, security, confidence, sexuality, morality, masculine energy. Recall & examine past life experiences. Help heal relationship with father, spiritual guide, mentor, teacher, or other authoritarian figures. Learn responsibilities…

Continue ReadingCuprite


Connected to all chakras, especially the crown chakra, 3rd Eye, & Heart Increases cognitive brain function Assists in surrendering to divine purpose unlocking our true identity & allowing us to…

Continue ReadingCryolite


Facilitates out of body experiences with total recall. Clarifies channeled messages. Enhances communication and understanding of wisdom at any level, including the Akashic Record. Understand the reasons for and gifts…

Continue ReadingCreedite


Fossilized Dinosaur Poop Contains ancient Earth wisdom & telepathic links to ancient plants & animals Assists in accessing Akashic Records & past life memories Talisman for longevity & protection Strengthens…

Continue ReadingCoprolite


Stimulates intuition, communication, and imagination. Promotes inner strength and personal empowerment. Facilitates communication w/ plants. Helpful when learning meditation. Provides stability and strength during times of change, and promotes acceptance…

Continue ReadingConichalite


Elestial Citrine ClusterCitrine Elestial ClusterCitrine Elestial ClusterCitrine Elestial Cluster CITRINE (South Africa)  Citrine’s name is derived from the French word citron, meaning lemon.  It is a yellow/brown variety of quartz,…

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Powerful ally in transforming from self to full manifestation of one’s spiritual blueprint and Divine pattern. Insight and ability to see visions of potential future. Actualize dreams, create prosperity, &…

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Opens, activates, energizes heart & sacral chakras; balance yin-yang energy. Induces deep meditative state, peaceful sleep, reduces claustrophobia, prevents nightmares. Promotes love of truth, hope, creativity fidelity (personal & business).…

Continue ReadingChrysoprase


Draws off negative energies and overcomes phobias. Calm acceptance of changes & brings great inner strength. Beneficial for relationships that have become rocky. At solar plexus chakra, reverses destructive emotional…

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Highly protective; wards off evil eye and curses. Connect with Akashic Records. Balance, harmony; transforms disagreement into harmony. Enhances problem solving. Comforting if fearful, depressed, anxious, stressed, or dying.

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Stone of transformation. Soul stone overcomes fear, obsessions & compulsions. Stimulates inner vision, aids coping with enormous change at a spiritual level. Synthesizes heart and crown chakras, cleanses aura, and…

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Brotherhood, goodwill, benevolence, generosity, openness, enthusiasm. Absorbs negative energy, alleviating hostility, & transforms melancholy into joy. Eases self-doubt, dissipates negative thoughts, emotions, & bad dreams.

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